June 29, 2022
Relating 27-Day Averages of Solar, Interplanetary MediumParameters, and Geomagnetic A...
Yvelice Soraya Castillo Rosales, Maria Alexandra Pais, João Fernandes, et al.
November 21, 2020
The solar quiet variation observed near the vortex focus: effect of the geomagnetic a...
Anna Morozova, Rania Rebbah, Maria Pais, et al.
December 02, 2021
Comparison of the performance of PCA-NN and PCA-MRM models for TEC over the Iberian P...
Anna Morozova, Teresa Barata, Tatiana Barlyaeva, et al.
April 23, 2019
Ionosphere vertical TEC calculated from GNSS receiver data in Lisbon: comparison with...
Tatiana BARLYAEVA, Teresa BARATA, Anna MOROZOVA, et al.