Javed Ali

and 4 more

Natural hazards such as floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, and wildfires cause significant economic losses (e.g., agricultural and property damage) as well as a high number of fatalities. Natural hazards are often driven by univariate or multivariate hydrometeorological drivers. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how and which hydrometeorological variables (i.e., drivers) combine to contribute to the impacts of these hazards. Additionally, when multiple drivers are associated with a hazard, traditional univariate risk assessment approaches are insufficient to cover the full spectrum of impact-relevant conditions originating from different combinations of multiple drivers. Based on historical socioeconomic loss data, we develop an impact-based approach to assess the influence of different hydrometeorological drivers on the impacts caused by different hazard event types. We use the Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database for the United States (SHELDUS™) to identify the historical hazard events that caused socioeconomic impacts (property and crop damage, injuries, and fatalities) in our case study area, Miami-Dade County, in south Florida. For 9 different hazard types, we obtained data for 13 hydrometeorological drivers from historical in-situ observations and reanalysis products corresponding to the timing and locations of the hazard events found in the SHELDUS database. The relative importance of each hazard driver in generating impacts and the frequency of multiple drivers was then assessed. We found that many high-impact events were caused by multiple hydrometeorological drivers (i.e., compound events). For example, 61% of the recorded flooding events were compound events rather than univariate hazards and these contributed 99% of total property damage and 98.2% of total crop damage in Miami-Dade County. For several hazards, such as hurricanes/tropical storms and wildfires, all the events that caused damage are classified as compound events in our framework. Our findings emphasize the benefit of including socioeconomic impact information when analyzing hazard events, as well as the importance of analyzing all relevant hydrometeorological drivers to identify compound events.

Javed Ali

and 3 more

Natural hazards such as coastal and river floods, tornadoes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and landslides cause significant economic losses (e.g., agriculture and property damage) and notable counts of fatalities. While natural hazards are often considered to be caused by a single climatic driver (e.g., coastal flood from storm surge only), they can be associated with the combined occurrence of multiple drivers (e.g., coastal flood driven by storm surge and precipitation). Defining whether the climatic drivers (e.g., precipitation, temperature, or wind) are extreme enough to turn the hazards into disasters is crucial for estimating disaster risks. To date, extreme events are often defined using the block maxima or peaks over threshold methods ignoring the effects of the built environment and socio-economic conditions. However, a hazard with the same magnitude can cause very different impacts in regions with varying built environments and socio-economic conditions. Additionally, when multiple climatic drivers are involved, traditional methods of defining extreme events (block maxima and peaks over threshold) are challenging to apply. In this research, we employ an impact-based approach and define critical thresholds of climatic drivers for 12 different hazards, across the US southeast coast. We use the SHELDUS database (CEMHS, 2020) to identify historical hazard events that caused socio-economic losses (property and crop damage) and identify corresponding magnitudes of climatic drivers from historical in-situ observations and reanalysis datasets from 1979 to 2019. We then identify thresholds of climatic drivers for impact events where only one or multiple drivers were involved. These impact-based thresholds can be used, for example, to backfill loss databases (where impact information was not available) and to project potential impacts into the future using projections of the different climatic drivers.

Ahmed Nasr

and 4 more

Low-lying coastal zones are prone to flooding from multiple drivers such as storm surge (oceanographic), excessive river discharge (fluvial), and/or surface runoff (pluvial). The flooding impacts can be exacerbated, depending on local characteristics, when flooding is intensified by concurrent (or successive) occurrence of multiple drivers known as ‘compound flooding’. Recently, compound flooding drivers are becoming more frequent and intense leading to more adverse impacts. In this study, we carry out a continental scale analysis for the CONUS coastline at locations with sufficiently long overlapping records to characterize the changes in dependence and co-occurrence between the compound flooding drivers over time. We also investigate the changes in dependence over time during tropical and extratropical seasons. Lastly, we assess how the dependence structure varies with time. We use observations (gauge records) for the analysis. Dependence between different pairs is assessed using co-occurrence counts and statistical measures for dependence (Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient, τ). The dependence structures (particularly the tails of bivariate distributions) are compared using Kullback–Leibler (KL) Divergence to assess if there are significant changes in tails of bivariate distributions over time. This analysis provides a comprehensive characterization of changes in compound flooding potential around the CONUS coastline. This will provide insights on where and how compound flooding potential has changed over time to be incorporated in flood risk assessments and planning.