Martin Coath edited subsection_Hybrid_images_and_salience__.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: 339ecb43c88a38fe59cdd7caa1b2c5e4bb35d4a3

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\subsection{Hybrid images and salience} multi-scale processing}  \cite{Oliva_2006} It has been shown that static images can be produced with two interpretations which change as a function of viewing distance. These \textit{Hybrid Images} are based on the multiscale processing by the human visual system and are motivated by masking studies in visual perception \cite{Oliva_2006}. As a test case for the \textsc{skv} representation, (whose only free parameter, the window size, corresponds in some ways to the scale of the salient detail) it was decided to choose two examples from \citeauthor{Oliva_2006}  \ldots as can be seen in Figure~\ref{fig:cardol}