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A Measurable Attention Economics
  • Thesis Statements
  1. It's a meta-theoretic model
  2. We can measure the quantity of attention defined within it
  3. Measures/models of this quantity has implications for practice
We can
  1. We can formulate attention as an economic model, with utility computed in the present
  2. We can measure attention utilities in some situations
  3. We can reason about attention allocations to increase human capacity
  4. A measurable model of attention utility opens possibilities for increasing human capacity
A measurable model of the utility of attention can better align our behavior with our goals.
  1. To measure attention as a scarce resource, we must evaluate utility in the present moment of action--not over outcomes in indefinite future
  2. This new version of attention utility can be measured, in some situations
  3. These measurements will help us align our behavior with our goals
    • We can design/create/evaluate mechanisms to remind us/afford desired behavior
    • We can do this to improve individual capacity
      • ADD
      • Procrastination
      • Ubifit
    • We can improve group (HCS) capacity
      • O(attention)
      • Internet Democracy
    • This is where HCI needs to go: increasing capacity, HCS
      • Choice, history, user satisfaction. This is growing from our core values.
      • Bitcoin example screenshot in here: attention economy is becoming visible
      • ... somehow end with "we need to transition to HCS with attention econs"
  4. An alternative to rational man moves utility evaluation from outcomes to present opportunities
  5. Utility of Attention lets us measure new important things.
  • Michael Toomim
Michael Toomim

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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