sajid ali

and 6 more

Background: Till date people are being diagnosed through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). But due to high population burden being infected, need exist to have alternate method of screening and diagnosis. Objective: To introduce alternate method of screening in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa (KPK) province of Pakistan so as to enhance the testing capacity, to overcome the burden over the PCR facility and to aware the general as well as suspected population for their immune status. Methodology: This study was conducted in Real Time PCR Laboratory and the patients were enrolled from April to 15th June 2020. A total of 200 suspected individuals with the age group of 20->60 were included. All of these patients were screened for IgM and IgG status using Immunu chromatographic Technique (ICT) (AMP, Australian). Results: Out of total 200 enrolled suspected patients, 92 (46%) subjects were positive for antibody (IgM and IgG). Among 92 positive patients, IgM and IgG positive patients were 7 (8%) and 85 (92%) respectively. Male and female subjects among total positive were 72 (51%) and 20 (3%) respectively. Age group of 20-30 was more affected, followed by age group of 30-40 and the least was age group of >60. The most noted symptoms associated with suspected subjects were temperature (85%), followed by body aches (80%), dry cough (77%) and sore throat (70%). Conclusion: Positivity ratio of antibodies IgM and IgG is quite high (46%) among the suspected patients and the most age group affected was 20-30, with most noted symptoms of temperature