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Phenytoin induced chorea: an uncommon manifestation
  • Ram Bhupal Reddy Nagireddy,
  • Deepika Joshi
Ram Bhupal Reddy Nagireddy
Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences

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Deepika Joshi
Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences
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ABSTRACT Introduction:We describe a case of chorea induced by phenytoin in an young indian male. Case presentation: A twenty one year old indian male patient who is a known case of generalized epilepsy for past 2 years on sodium valproate presented with acute onset chorea, four days after starting phenytoin sodium with normal serum phenytoin levels. After excluding the other possible causes of chorea, phenytoin was withdrawn which resulted in a dramatic subsidence of chorea .On rechallenge with phenytoin patient again developed chorieform movements which again subsided after drug withdrawl, thus implicating phenytoin as the possible etiological agent for chorea Conclusion:Phenytoin rarely induces involuntary movements as adverse effect.During phenytoin therapy,if a patient develops involuntary movements,phenytoin toxicity should be suspected. Drug withdrawl leads to complete symptomatic improvement thereby avoiding extensive workup for other secondary causes. Key words: phenytoin induced chorea, drug induced movement disorders, antiepileptics induced dyskinesias, phenytoin and involuntary movements, anticonvulsants and dyskinesias , phenytoin toxicity