This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2014.5.25) 17 APR 2016 16:13 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. file:line:error style messages enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **albertopepe.tex (./albertopepe.tex LaTeX2e <2014/05/01> Babel <3.9k> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded. 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[14 <./graphics/bench.jpg>] Overfull \hbox (12.93536pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 279--279 []\OT1/cmr/m/it/8 24. \OT1/cmr/m/n/8 Veron-ica Oliv-otto --- []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/8 [] (./albertopepe.bbl ./albertopepe.bbl:10: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.10 acevedo-riker:2006} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {2004}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:10: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.10 acevedo-riker:2006} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:10: Improper alphabetic constant. \par@deathcycles l.10 acevedo-riker:2006} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:10: Missing = inserted for \ifnum. \par@deathcycles l.10 acevedo-riker:2006} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:11: Undefined control sequence. l.11 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:15: Undefined control sequence. l.15 \newblock{}\BBOP {}2004\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:15: Undefined control sequence. l.15 \newblock{}\BBOP{}2004\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:16: Undefined control sequence. l.16 \newblock{}\BBOQ {}Platial practices.\BBCQ{} ? ./albertopepe.bbl:16: Undefined control sequence. l.16 \newblock{}\BBOQ{}Platial practices.\BBCQ {} ? ./albertopepe.bbl:17: Undefined control sequence. l.17 \newblock{}\Bem {306090}, \Bem{6}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:17: Undefined control sequence. l.17 \newblock{}\Bem{306090}, \Bem {6}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:26: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.26 adey} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {2007}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:26: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.26 adey} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:27: Undefined control sequence. l.27 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:31: Undefined control sequence. l.31 \newblock{}\BBOP {}2007\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:31: Undefined control sequence. l.31 \newblock{}\BBOP{}2007\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:32: Undefined control sequence. l.32 \newblock{}\BBOQ {}Airport geographies of spectatorship, position and ? ./albertopepe.bbl:33: Undefined control sequence. l.33 (im)mobility.\BBCQ {} ? ./albertopepe.bbl:34: Undefined control sequence. l.34 \newblock{}\Bem {Environment and Planning D: Society and Space}, \Bem{25... ? ./albertopepe.bbl:34: Undefined control sequence. l.34 ...t and Planning D: Society and Space}, \Bem {25}(3). ? ./albertopepe.bbl:43: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.43 auge} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1995}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:43: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.43 auge} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:44: Undefined control sequence. l.44 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:48: Undefined control sequence. l.48 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1995\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:48: Undefined control sequence. l.48 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1995\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:49: Undefined control sequence. l.49 \newblock{}\Bem {Non-places: Introduction to an anthropology of supermod... ? ./albertopepe.bbl:59: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.59 baudelaire:1846} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1846}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:59: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.59 baudelaire:1846} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:60: Undefined control sequence. l.60 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:64: Undefined control sequence. l.64 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1846\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:64: Undefined control sequence. l.64 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1846\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:65: Undefined control sequence. l.65 \newblock{}\Bem {Salon de 1846}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:75: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.75 Berman} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1988}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:75: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.75 Berman} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:76: Undefined control sequence. l.76 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:80: Undefined control sequence. l.80 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1988\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:80: Undefined control sequence. l.80 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1988\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:81: Undefined control sequence. l.81 \newblock{}\Bem {All that is solid melts into air: The experience of mod... ? ./albertopepe.bbl:93: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.93 bowker} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1999}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:93: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.93 bowker} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:93: Undefined control sequence. ...otect \APACyear {1999}}}{{Bowker\ \BBA {} Star}}{{Bowker\ \BBA {}... l.93 bowker} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:93: Undefined control sequence. ...{{Bowker\ \BBA {} Star}}{{Bowker\ \BBA {} Star}}} l.93 bowker} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:94: Undefined control sequence. l.94 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:97: Undefined control sequence. l.97 \BCBT {}\ \BBA{} Star, S.~L.% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:97: Undefined control sequence. l.97 \BCBT{}\ \BBA {} Star, S.~L.% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:99: Undefined control sequence. l.99 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1999\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:99: Undefined control sequence. l.99 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1999\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:100: Undefined control sequence. l.100 \newblock{}\Bem {Sorting things out: Classification and its consequence... ? ./albertopepe.bbl:111: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.111 corbu} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1946}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:111: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.111 corbu} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:112: Undefined control sequence. l.112 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:116: Undefined control sequence. l.116 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1946\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:116: Undefined control sequence. l.116 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1946\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:117: Undefined control sequence. l.117 \newblock{}\Bem {L'architecture et les aeroports modernes}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:127: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.127 deCerteau} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {2002}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:127: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.127 deCerteau} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:128: Undefined control sequence. l.128 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:132: Undefined control sequence. l.132 \newblock{}\BBOP {}2002\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:132: Undefined control sequence. l.132 \newblock{}\BBOP{}2002\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:133: Undefined control sequence. l.133 \newblock{}\Bem {The practice of everyday life}. ? [15] ./albertopepe.bbl:143: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.143 neufville} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {1995}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:143: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.143 neufville} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:144: Undefined control sequence. l.144 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:148: Undefined control sequence. l.148 \newblock{}\BBOP {}1995\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:148: Undefined control sequence. l.148 \newblock{}\BBOP{}1995\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:149: Undefined control sequence. l.149 \newblock{}\BBOQ {}Designing airport passenger buildings for the 21st ? ./albertopepe.bbl:150: Undefined control sequence. l.150 century.\BBCQ {} ? ./albertopepe.bbl:151: Undefined control sequence. l.151 \newblock{}\Bem {{Transport}}, \Bem{111}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:151: Undefined control sequence. l.151 \newblock{}\Bem{{Transport}}, \Bem {111}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:160: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.160 debord:2005} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {2005}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:160: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.160 debord:2005} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:161: Undefined control sequence. l.161 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:165: Undefined control sequence. l.165 \newblock{}\BBOP {}2005\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:165: Undefined control sequence. l.165 \newblock{}\BBOP{}2005\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:166: Undefined control sequence. l.166 \newblock{}\Bem {Society of the spectacle}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:174: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.174 faster} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {18 Jan 2008}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:174: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.174 faster} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:174: Undefined control sequence. ...Cyear {18 Jan 2008}}}{{\APACcitebtitle {Faster, Higher, Stronger}... l.174 faster} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:174: Undefined control sequence. ..., Higher, Stronger}}}{{\APACcitebtitle {Faster, Higher, Stronger}}}} l.174 faster} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:175: Undefined control sequence. l.175 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:177: Undefined control sequence. l.177 \Bem {Faster, higher, stronger}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:178: Undefined control sequence. l.178 \newblock{}\BBOP {}18 Jan 2008\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:178: Undefined control sequence. l.178 \newblock{}\BBOP{}18 Jan 2008\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:188: Argument of \citeauthoryear has an extra }. \par l.188 foster:2008} % ? Runaway argument? {{\APACyear {2008}}} ./albertopepe.bbl:188: Paragraph ended before \citeauthoryear was complete. \par l.188 foster:2008} % ? ./albertopepe.bbl:189: Undefined control sequence. l.189 \APACinsertmetastar {% ? ./albertopepe.bbl:193: Undefined control sequence. l.193 \newblock{}\BBOP {}2008\BBCP{}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:193: Undefined control sequence. l.193 \newblock{}\BBOP{}2008\BBCP {}. ? ./albertopepe.bbl:194: Undefined control sequence. l.194 \newblock{}\BBOQ {}Beijing airport - description.\BBCQ{} ? ./albertopepe.bbl:194: Emergency stop. l.194 \newblock{}\BBOQ {}Beijing airport - description.\BBCQ{} End of file on the terminal! Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3477 strings out of 493117 48494 string characters out of 6135433 123674 words of memory out of 5000000 6859 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 12658 words of font info for 45 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 37i,8n,26p,1538b,359s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s ./albertopepe.bbl:194: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!