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Crustal Evolution: focusing on continental crust
  • Hee Choi
Hee Choi
University of Memphis

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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One of the unique features of the Earth is its crust. None of the other terrestrial planets seem to have a crust similar to that of the Earth, and the reason for this is related to plate tectonics, which in turn is related to the way the mantle cools and how it has evolved. In that reason, knowing the evolution of the crust, and studying how this dynamic system has evolved as the Earth has cooled over the last 4.6Ga is important. To understand the origin and evolution of the crust including their physical and chemical properties, I read the chapter, "Crustal and Mantle Evolution," from the book “Earth as an Evolving Planetary System” by Kent C. Condie (Publisher and year).