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HICL 2017 Article Template
  • Stephan Oelker
Stephan Oelker

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile


Abstract goes here. No heading necessary. The exporter will automatically turn this text before the first heading into an abstract.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at fringilla lorem. Proin rhoncus scelerisque sem sit amet posuere. Pellentesque blandit aliquet ipsum, eu cursus justo porta a. Fusce ligula tellus, dapibus ut lectus et, euismod elementum nisi. Fusce pulvinar magna non purus feugiat, nec elementum arcu porttitor. Nullam sit amet nulla non leo sagittis varius in tincidunt libero. Duis tristique aliquam commodo. Mauris eget luctus nibh, quis interdum metus. Phasellus rhoncus facilisis neque, quis pellentesque libero consequat non. Pellentesque eu vulputate ante, id lacinia felis. Pellentesque nec imperdiet nulla. Etiam quis justo sollicitudin, faucibus leo sed, dignissim nibh. Praesent ut ornare risus. Duis et fringilla odio. Ut at cursus elit.
Nullam nibh nisi, rhoncus a dictum fringilla, egestas a nisi. In a dapibus lacus. Nulla est nulla, cursus vel orci quis, suscipit volutpat sapien. Quisque molestie nunc et nunc consectetur, eget rutrum diam dapibus. Maecenas efficitur dolor ac erat mattis, quis egestas orci tristique. Nullam vel odio at neque gravida consequat sed sed nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean consequat condimentum cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur pharetra enim et accumsan venenatis.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed mollis tellus in tellus porttitor, a euismod massa commodo. Nulla vestibulum urna euismod, mollis lacus sed, sollicitudin libero. Sed varius lobortis felis eget pretium. Mauris varius metus augue, at luctus orci pharetra eget. Vivamus ac arcu urna. Cras ut augue ac velit porttitor tristique. Curabitur luctus, mi cursus consequat hendrerit, arcu est blandit urna, et rhoncus tortor sapien quis augue. Mauris mattis ac quam nec egestas. Pellentesque quis ipsum non odio venenatis pharetra. Quisque et hendrerit leo. Vivamus commodo neque nec ligula ornare, quis mattis velit fermentum.
Grant information
Please state who funded the work discussed in this article, whether it is your employer, a grant funder etc. Please do not list funding that you have that is not relevant to this specific piece of research. For each funder, please state the funder’s name, the grant number where applicable, and the individual to whom the grant was assigned. If your work was not funded by any grants, please include the line: ‘The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.’
This section should acknowledge anyone who contributed to the research or the article but who does not qualify as an author based on the criteria provided earlier (e.g. someone or an organization that provided writing assistance). Please state how they contributed; authors should obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.
Please do not list grant funding in this section.
References can be listed in any standard referencing style and should be consistent between references within a given article.
Reference management systems such as Zotero provide options for exporting bibliographies as BibTeX files. BibTex is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user’s references and create a bibliography. This template contains an example of such a file, sample.bib, which can be replaced with your own.