Installation of the data reduction pipeline

Performing the fully interactive reduction using floydsspec requires installation of the FLOYDS pipeline. However, installation of the pipeline is not required for the use of the data products generated by floydsauto, which should be sufficient for the vast majority of users.

The FLOYDS pipeline is a set of python packages based on four main modules: pyraf, astropy, matplotlib, and numpy. It has been tested with Python version 2.7 on OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8; CentOS 5, 6, and 7; and Ubuntu 10 and 16; but it can run on almost all operating systems as long as there is a running version of IRAF on the machine, and a running version of Python (version 2.x) with the modules mentioned previously.

The package1 contains the following files/directory:

  • bin (directory): this is the directory where executable files are stored. These files will be copied in the installation-path bin directory. There are three executable files in the bin directory (floydsfixheaders, floydsspec, floydsauto ) that will be explained in detail in Sec \ref{sec:pipeline}.

  • src (directory): contains the core part of the pipeline

  • (distutils installation script): this is the executable script that should be run to install the FLOYDS pipeline

  • README.txt (file): contains the instructions to install the pipeline

To install the pipeline the following steps should be executed:

tar -xvf floyds-version.tar
cd floyds-version
python install

Once the pipeline is installed a new directory, called floyds, should have been created in the PYTHONPATH directory containing several python files (containing all the functions used in the pipeline) and the following sub directories:

  • doc: This directory contains useful documentation on FLOYDS

  • standard: This directory contains parameters files (all standard calibration files, tables for arc line identifications, extinction curves, etc.)

  • archive This directory contains all the calibration files used for wavelength calibration, flux calibration. If some calibration frames are missing for a specific night, calibrations are performed using calibrations stored in this directory (using the frame closest in time to the observations).