From here, the user should click the title bar and enter a title for the request. Then they should pick the observing program that will be charged. Next, they should click the button labeled, Add a spectrograph target. This will launch the GUI shown in Fig. \ref{fig:addtarget}.

The fields in this gui include:

  • Target name: If the target is an object in Simbad, the cooordinates will be resolved upon typing in the target name. This name will put put in the header of the observation.

  • Right Ascension: Coordinates must be entered in hexidecimal with colons as separators.

  • Declination: Same as above.

  • Slit width: The slit width in arcseconds.

  • Rotator Mode: Sky, Mount, Floating, Vertical, or Vertical Floating. Vertical Floating will take observations at the parallactic angle (in this case the Rotator Angle field is ignored).

  • Rotator Angle: The angle to orient the slit.

  • Duration: The length of the exposure in seconds.

  • Exposures: The number of exposures.

  • Binning: The binning of the CCD. It should be 1 for FLOYDS.

  • Target of Opportunity: Check this box only if observations are required in 15 minutes or less. This will stop currently-excecuting observations.

Note that there is a Help button which explains these fields.