Downloading Data

LCOGT 1m data is served at the IPAC archive, but FLOYDS data is housed at LCOGT. There are two ways of retrieving data, through the submitted requests screen, and through a proposal.

Submitted Requests

To download data starting from the submitted requests screen, click on the title of the object. To narrow the list, click the icon at the top right of the screen. It will bring up a sidebar similar to the one shown in Fig. \ref{fig:SubmittedExpanded}. If you know the title of an observation (which you entered when the observation was submitted), you can search for it directly. Alternately, using the check boxes, you can eliminate certain types of requests to make scrolling through the list of observations easier.

Once an observation is clicked on, a view similar to that in Fig. \ref{fig:DownloadData} is shown. It has an upper frame that is green of observations were successful, and gray if the block was only partially completed. To the clicking “Download Data,” will download a tar file containing Floyds Data Products produced by the floydsauto pipleine.