Cato edited Payam.tex  almost 11 years ago

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\citet{nderson_Mitchell_Bartlett_2002}: high-speed observations of two interacting colloids. Sonic effects.\\  \citet{Padding_Louis_2006} coarse-graining approach; Langevin does a poor job.  \item {\it Does Payam assume incompressible flow?} I believe so boo-- --  he follows Landau \& Lifshitz in setting up the submerged jet; and I believe they assume zero divergence in the velocity field. (Note that the derivation in \citet{Broman_Rudenko_2010} assumes incompressibility.) \item (Sound speed shouldn't depend on viscosity at except for near-supersonic flow. (\href{}{Or does it?} \href{}{Speed of sound table}, \href{}{$c(T,P)$ fits}.))