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Analysis of rush hour Citibike rides in Midtown Manhattan
  • Scott Smith
Scott Smith

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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In May of 2013, Citi bike was introduced to New York City, allowing users to pick up bikes at multiple locations in much of the five boroughs and deposit them at any Citi bike station without worrying about where to park their own bikes between trips. One consideration in designing such a service is that users should be able to obtain a bike at any station and find a parking spot at any station at all times of day. Thus, it is critical to know for each hour which stations have more rides coming in than going out or more rides going out than coming in. This report looks at rides either originating in Midtown Manhattan and finishing outside or originating outside and finishing inside during the morning rush hour. This report finds that there were 25,912 rides entering Midtown and 21,745 rides leaving Midtown during the morning rush hour for the month of August 2015.