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Review on social protection schemes in rural Ethiopia
  • Mossa Ahmed,
  • Melkamu Wereta
Mossa Ahmed
Bahir Dar University

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Melkamu Wereta
Woldia University
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Ethiopian social protection programs were played big important roles in poverty reductions for the chronically food insecure and vulnerable households. Hence, the objectives of this review were the effects and constraints of social protection. Articles and reports obtained through internet searching are reviewed related to the topic, which was done at national, regional, and district levels. According to the reviewed, Idir, Zakat in Afar, community-based health insurance and productive safety net program were important ones to reducing risk vulnerability of the rural community. Moreover, a productive safety net program has both positive and negative effects on beneficiaries’ social, economic, and environmental development. In a nutshell, social protection services play a vital role in providing to address poverty, hazardous events, and vulnerabilities that affect livelihood. Therefore, concerned bodies should be focused that targeting rural communities to achieve food security and health services through social protection. Keywords: Effect, Constraint, Productive Safety Net Program, Community-based insurance. Rural Ethiopia