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Successfully achieved His-bundle pacing without a His-bundle potential recorded: A case report
  • Hao Wu,
  • Longfu Jiang,
  • Jiabo Shen
Hao Wu
Ningbo Huamei Hospital University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Longfu Jiang
Ningbo Huamei Hospital University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Jiabo Shen
Ningbo Huamei Hospital University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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A 75-year-old man with atrial fibrillation and III atrioventricular block (AVB) with a slow escape rhythm and right bundle branch block (RBBB) underwent His-bundle pacing (HBP). The procedure was guided by the tricuspid valve annulus (TVA) visualisation technical without His-bundle (HB) potentials recorded and got a low HB capture threshold. The transition from non-selective (NS) -HBP to selective (S) -HBP can be seen during the threshold test. It is possible to achieve HBP without HB potentials recorded in the whole procedure.