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    Study  of ecology and interrelationship of parameters in two Ecologically Different  Beels in Gangetic plain of West Bengal, India   
  • Golam Ziauddin
Golam Ziauddin

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Physical, chemical, and biological parameters of the Kole (Open type) and Suguna (Closed type) wetlands have been investigated from January 2011 to December 2013. These lakes are locally called as Baur.The work has been carried out for one and half year period from nov 2011- May2013 in different seasons viz. monsoon, post monsoon and premonsoon respectively in order to assess water quality parameters and diversity of biotic communities. The present article attempts to investigate the possible interrelationship among the physicochemical parameters and biotic communities of both the beels. During the investigation, zooplankton diversity was observed high in the wetland. Rotifers were the most dominant group followed by Cladocera, Copepoda, Protozoa and Ostracoda during the investigation. There is a high density of zooplankton in monsoon than compare to other seasons indicate good water quality and less pollution load in both beels. These investigations will be the basic guidelines for the researcher in the field of ecology of beels. The comparison of the ecological parameters of these two lakes is attempted in the present investigation. The study aim to investigate the diversity of biotic communities in relation to physico-chemical parameters of surface water in gangetic plain. Physico-chemical parameters of both the beels revealed well marked fluctuations with maxima and minima values of each parameter during specific months and analysis of biotic communities revealed seasonal variations with an increase during summer and a fall during winter and monsoon seasons.