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Innovative technological restoration of gully susceptible riparian land and water sustainable productivity
  • R. C. Yadav
R. C. Yadav
ICAR-CSWCRT, Research Centre, Asra

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Gully in the riparian areas remain at lowest elevation right from gully head cut, a gully link to join any link of higher order and then join any major river comprise of all features of riparian areas. The gullies suffer setback of sewage disposal and finally discharge it into rivers. Objective of this study was to develop an innovative measure so that sewage water is diverted along the down slope and a wetland created instead of allowing the waste water to join the gully network. The innovative measures are treatment of waste water in wetlands, storage facility for fresh water and rearing fish. The fishery in wetland will attract wild birds viz heron that thrives on aquatic primary food chain such as insects, leaches and fingerlings etc and their dropping rich in organic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P),called as Guano can be harvested. Case study of the treating gully as a sewage disposal channel, spoiling all good features of riparian areas is made to show this innovative development to solve several emerging problems following development of gullies in fulfillment of areas for growing population. Therefore, misdeeds which follow development and spoil entire scenario can be overcome and the riparian areas save from getting worsened. Additionally, innovative measures and their sequential steps create resource for prosperity and employment.