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Science AMA Series: Ask the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) anything about Pharmaceuticals in the environment!
  • SETAC_North_America ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is hosting the SETAC North America 38th annual meeting this week and we have tied this AMA to a specific session, “Pharmaceuticals in the environment: Potential environmental and human health impacts.” Experts from across academia, government and industry are here to answer questions on this topic. The research being presented at our meeting will cover topics such as how fish react when a variety of medicines get through wastewater treatment and into their environment, to what levels of detection in water is risky to human health, to how veterinary medicines given to cattle get into the environment, among others. Please do note that we are asking members of the society who represent researchers from a variety of disciplines and sectors; the answers are not official SETAC positions. We encourage discussion and debate! Just please keep it professional. For more information on SETAC see http://www.setac.org Post your question and the organizers of the conference will find someone to answer it as soon as possible. Answers to questions will be most active during the session break at 10AM-11AM EST and immediately following 12PM-2PM EST, ending at 2PM EST.